If I let my heart escape out of my chest
I’m afraid of how fast it would run to you
It’ll only stop when it gets to you
Sometimes I struggle to meet your gaze because I’m scared that my eyes will give away the fact that I’m looking for love
I’m looking at love
And I only see it with you
Blindsided because everything looks better with you
If I told you I was lotus flower blooming
I rose out of the mud stains but you saw my purity
Although I returned to the murky world in the evening
I bloom at the break of day back to you
We want love that is strong and resilient
They call me a mystery
But you were the missing piece of the puzzle that I didn’t know I needed to fit
I can’t help being guarded
When everyone that supposed to guard me end up abandoning me
Love might be blind
But I’ll look to you
When you look to me
When we kiss, our lips create an apocalypse of the world around us because it no longer exists
We drift off to a dream
Like we are the gift to each other and that’s all we could’ve wished for

A Letter by Charnjit
“Open to Love”
Real Stories. Real People. Real Hope.