A Letter by Nicola

“Open to Motherhood”



A lockdown baby born into a world of wash your hands, keep your distance and protect the NHS.
A lockdown baby born into a world where we’ve all learned how to live with less.

A lockdown baby born into a world of masks, distance and fear.
A lockdown baby born into a world where friends and family can’t come near.

A lockdown baby born into a world of no coffee shops, no baby groups, no trips to the pool.
A lockdown baby born into a world where mum fed her and bounced her whilst she tried to homeschool.

A lockdown baby born into a world of walks outside to a different park each day.
A lockdown baby born into a world where we’ve worried this new normal is here to stay.

A lockdown baby born into a world of stockpiling pasta and toilet roll.
A lockdown baby born into a world where loneliness and isolation has taken its toll.

A lockdown baby born into a world of virtual baby showers, with friends first visits by smiling and waving on a screen.
A lockdown baby born into a world where smiles behind masks could not be seen.

A lockdown baby born into a world where mum, dad and sisters all stayed at home.
A lockdown baby born into a world where at one point or another we’ve all felt so alone.

A lockdown baby born into a world where covid, new normal, unprecedented are all words of the day.
A lockdown baby born into a world where daily death tolls have filled our hearts with dismay.

A lockdown baby born into a world where the things we’ve learned will remain rooted in our heart.
A lockdown baby born into a world where our priorities have been given a fresh start.

A lockdown baby born into a world where God has still shown abounding mercy and grace.
A lockdown baby born into a world where we’ve found the blessing in the slower pace.

A lockdown baby born into a world where Jesus still reigns
A lockdown baby born into a world where He still knows her name.


Real Stories. Real People. Real Hope.

“Open to Connection”

“Open to Forgiveness”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Loss”

“Open to Vulnerability”

“Open to Loss”

“Open to Feeling”

“Open to Change”

“Open to Truth”

“Open to Freedom”

“Open to Loss”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Growth”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Bravery”

“Open to Loss”

“Open to Bravery”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Vulnerability”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Moving Forward”

“Open to Fate”

“Open to Change”

“Open to Acceptance”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Growth”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Healing”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Love”

“Open to Living”

“Open to Vulnerability”