Crisis Support For Your Business

Life can be messy. Redundancy, organisational changes, sudden bereavement, illness, suicide and distress are all things that can show up when we least expect it.
Change happens in the ordinary instant, and when it all hits the fan and everyone’s flapping, it can be hard to work out where to go for support.
If you need mental health support, you can always contact your GP or the Samaritans at 116 123 (24 hrs), email, or visit
Call 999 or go to your local A&E department if you’re in urgent crisis.
Self Space is not a crisis support service. But increasingly, over the past year, we’ve found ourselves working alongside several partners to show up in the toughest of times. We now have a dedicated professional and qualified team in place to continue to be there for you and your people when the scary stuff happens.
The Self Space Critical Response Consultancy is a bespoke package of different interventions your company can dip into following organisational change, bereavement or traumatic incidents.
Please call 999 or go to your local A&E department if you’re in urgent crisis.
What could the scary stuff look like?

Organisational Change
- Redundancies
- Sudden structural change
- Discrimination

- Expected death within a company
- Exposure to loss or death within a team

Traumatic Incidents
- Sudden death
- Suicide
- Exposure to traumatic incidents at work

Let's Talk
Our consultancy includes:
- Crisis management and procedure training to equip members of your team with skills and knowledge to navigate in-the-moment situations.
- An easy-to-follow Crisis Playbook with a step-by-step guide on what to do when.
- Post-incident support facilitated by senior therapists.
- Bespoke recommendations of support created for the individual team’s needs.
Equip your team with the tools to manage all manner of unforeseen incidents.
Drop us a message to find out more.