Simone Taylor-Lewis

BACP Accredited Integrative Therapist


AngerAnxietyAttachmentBody imageBurnout and StressChildhood traumaCultural IssuesDepressionGriefLGBTQ+Life TransitionsNeurodiversityNon-death lossRace Related DistressRelationship DifficultiesSelf-esteemShameSleepTraumaWork Related Distress


London, SohoVirtual

A bit about me

I combine mindfulness and somatic techniques to help you process emotions and achieve self-awareness, acceptance, and compassionate positive change. My therapeutic philosophy is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves a safe, non-judgmental space to explore their thoughts and feelings. I create a warm, welcoming atmosphere that encourages your personal growth and healing. I provide inclusive care for people of colour and the LGBTQ+ community. My practice is a safe, affirming space that celebrates diversity and respects everyone’s unique experiences and values. I became a therapist to support and nurture resilience and healing from the unique challenges and experiences faced by intersectionality and the impact of living in modern society. My passion lies in creating a therapeutic experience tailored to your needs and goals, to empower you on your path towards personal growth and transformation.


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