
Dr. Dee Khaira

BSc (Hons), MSc, DClinPsych, HCPC Clinical Psychologist


AnxietyBody imageChildhood traumaDepressionIdentity


London, ShoreditchVirtual

A bit about me

Dee (she/her) believes in being a down-to-earth, approachable, compassionate psychologist. She strives to support those who are struggling emotionally in working with them to create a meaningful and fulfilling life, with a focus on strength and wellness, in all aspects. Her approach to managing emotional difficulties is in a way that builds resilience for life-long self-care and emotional wellbeing. Dee has experience of working with people of all ages, both in the NHS and in private practice, and likes to work in a client-led, integrated and creative way, with different therapeutic approaches, including: CBT, ACT, DBT, MBCT, narrative and systemic approaches. She has experience in helping people with managing emotions (a variety of anxieties and mood-related issues), stress (including career-related, health-related and study or work-related stress), relationship breakdown, cultural identity and physical health issues.

Dee is available on Saturdays.

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