

A space to explore your inner world. Unpick your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs, and deepen your self-awareness with practical insights.

I’m OK Though Podcast

“I never go: ‘You know what? I’m glad you asked because I’m really struggling.’”
  • Self
Childhood Trauma

Understanding Childhood Trauma

After meeting thousands of people within our work, we have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as an uneventful childhood; no such thing as an upbringing without at least one wounding experience...
  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions
  • Therapy
How to Stay Sober

How to Stay Sober

The addict is not “out there” in the “other", the addict is in most of us.
  • Guides
  • Self
Sunday Feel Good Sessions

The Sunday Feel Good Sessions

  • Self

How To Deal With Health Anxiety

  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions

How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

A night of restful sleep not only resets brain reactivity in order to prepare for emotional challenges the next day, but it has a restorative function in recharging the brain in a way that optimises our performance (creatively, cognitively, all of the other tively's).
  • Guides
  • Self

Ingratitude Journaling

Ingratitude journalling will give you direction. It will help you identify patterns, themes and things that are repeated. It will help you focus on the things you can change, moving you from awareness into action.
  • Self

Festive Season Survival Guide

As you swim against a tide of tangled tinsel, hold onto this: family time is always imperfect; despite you trying, you won't be able to do it all; melancholy will never be far away - but neither will moments of joy.
  • Guides
  • Self
Talking Men's Club

Men’s Mental Health: A Guide To Meaningful Moments

When it comes to men's mental health, there are no easy answers, but it's more important than ever to keep asking questions. Questions that will let stories be told. Talking Men's Club is the start of this journey for us. It's a project about listening, as much as it is about talking.
  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions
Suicide Prevention Guides

Suicide Prevention Guide

With suicide awareness day falling this month, we asked our community to feedback on their experience of suicide, how it's affected them and those around them. The response was huge. We've created two content care packages using the real-world experiences of our community alongside therapeutic advice. One for if someone you love is feeling suicidal and one for if you are having those feelings yourself, with the hope that it finds someone when they really need it.
  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions
That's all folks!


Monthly, therapist-written reflections to support your growth.