Krish Vells

BACP, Existential, Integrative Therapist


AddictionAnxietyIdentityRace Related DistressSex and IntimacyShame


London, ShoreditchVirtual

A bit about me

I work from an integrative, inclusive and existential approach. I consider the lived experiences of individuals to consider the implications of culture, race, minority & majority, nationality, religion, economic backgrounds, and sexuality essential to understanding ourselves in the context of the wider world. I am experienced in working with issues related to sexuality and its implications using both the Western and Eastern schools of thought and their unique characteristics related to individuality and collective societies.

I identify as Queer, LGBTQIA+ and am currently on doctoral research related to Muslim MSM and Chemsex lived experiences in the UK. I have experience working with clients and their lived experiences worldwide in many languages, including Malay, Indonesian, Tamil, and English.

Additional Languages Spoken
Indonesian, Malay, Tamil

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