

A deep dive into the messy, beautiful world of feelings. Learn how to identify, understand, accept, and work through the full spectrum of emotions.

March | Why I said no to a ‘Women In Business Award’

As International Women's Day approaches I'm preparing for the mix of emotions that arises for me every year at this time. I oscillate between pride and fury, and all the feels in between.
  • Self
  • Emotions
  • Stories

February | Emotional availability and how to cultivate more of it…

I’ve been thinking a lot about my emotional capacity and how that impacts my emotional availability. As a therapist and a business leader, so much survival is dependent on me being emotionally available, deeply, to myself and others. The depth I have available is significantly impacted by the capacity and space I have within...
  • Self
  • Emotions

January | No more ‘New Year, New Me’

Let’s resolve not to make resolutions……EVER Instead, let’s decide daily what we are fighting for & practice with rigour ‘everyday mental maintenance’
  • Self
  • Emotions
  • Therapy
  • Relationships

December | The Moments That Matter

From years of sitting with others in therapy and my own personal journey, one thing I’m certain of is that we are all in search of more meaningful moments. Moments that touch our souls. We need and deserve them.
  • Self
  • Emotions

November | Emotional Foresight

October always feels heavy – but with emotional foresight, I’m learning to navigate the cycles, embrace the lessons, and prepare for what’s ahead. Here’s how I make it through.
  • Self
  • Emotions
  • Relationships

September | The Big Decompression

Big feelings need space—not silence. At Self Space, we believe decompressing isn't about pushing emotions away but inviting them in, expressing them fully, and finding balance after. Come home to yourself.
  • Self
  • Emotions
  • Relationships

August | Let’s Really Be Here Now: The Power of Presence

Presence is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. At Self Space, we believe in creating room to feel, to notice, to truly live—whether in therapy, in glimmers of joy, or in the moments of connection that remind us what it means to be human. Live fully, love openly, and take time to just be.
  • Self
  • Emotions

Are You an Emotional Caretaker?

When you prioritise solving other people's problems over your own, you sacrifice your happiness and can impact theirs
  • Emotions

Mastering Anxiety: How to Stop Worrying About Worrying

When you understand anxiety’s roots you can make it your ally, not your enemy
  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions
Lego figure in pieces

Dealing with Anxiety

From envy to anxiety, fighting how we feel puts us at war with ourselves. Instead, we should embrace the things that make us, us. And that starts with how we feel
  • Guides
  • Self
  • Emotions
That's all folks!


Monthly, therapist-written reflections to support your growth.