Tools for Leaders
By Self Space
Join the movement, shift your culture. Train a new generation of compassionate managers
What is Tools for Leaders training?
We discuss common mental health challenges and the impact on employees and organisations, in order to improve general awareness, clarity and strengthen management processes.
We’ll offer therapeutic tools and psychodynamic core principles to get managers to a more confident place when it comes to mental health conversations at work and emotional fluency.

What do you get?
Something proactive, not reactive
Access to continued learning & community
Therapist-led and therapist-held
Want to join a taster?
What does a mentally healthy workplace look like?
Training a new generation of managers.
01 Something proactive, not reactive
We’ve created a training that focuses on preventative and positively proactive ways of engaging with each other as humans within our workplaces. One that places emphasis on creating cultures of openness, trust and support at work.
02 Realistic and Useable Tools
Everyone who comes onto our training gets a takeaway of tools that are easy to understand, relatable to real life, quick to implement and attend to wellbeing in a human way that will support managers to engage with their employees in a different way than before. Human first, manager second.
03 Therapist-led and therapist-held
Everything evidenced-based training or class and every piece of content is research and written by qualified therapists from our team. This ensures the highest possible standards of training are delivered clinically and trauma-informed way. We take the knowledge and translate it into a language that is accessible, inspiring and supportive.
Classes include
Neurodivergence & Mental Health
How neurodivergence can be a superpower at work and how to support people around you with it
Parenthood & Work
How to meaningfully support employees who have parental/caring responsibilities.
Ask the Therapist: Q&A Session
Ask us about anything relating to mental health at work. Pick any topic and let’s have a chat.
Spot the signs: Symptom Refresher
How to spot when someone isn’t doing too well with their mental health and how to help.
The power of personal user guides
How to create and use personal user guides as powerful tools of connection and belonging in the workplace.
Ask the Therapist: Q&A Session
Ask us about anything relating to mental health at work. Pick any topic and let’s have a chat.
Purposeful Inclusion
How to navigate ongoing trends, changes, and conversations in the inclusion and diversity field.
Menopause & Work
How to listen better when it comes to conversations of menopause at work and validate authentically.
Having meaningful 1:1 sessions
How to establish and navigate 1:1 sessions with staff in a meaningful and productive way.
Ask the therapist: Q&A Session
Ask us about anything relating to mental health at work. Pick any topic and let’s have a chat.
Knowing Yourself
How to have more meaningful moments of self-reflection and practical tools to implement this self-knowledge as a manager.
Burnout & Mental Health
How to support employees and teams in reflecting about their wellbeing at the end of the year.
What are people saying?
– Head of ER, Policy and Well-being at Selfridges

Are you ready to train a new generation of managers?
Are you ready to move beyond awareness and into action? Let us know how to contact you: