Not Suitable For Work

Therapeutic perspectives on critical yet unspoken workplace matters (that matter).


When it comes to workplace conversations, we’re encouraged to keep it clean; light, appropriate, thank you very much. Money, politics and religion are an absolute no. And actually, best to keep personal stuff off the table too. It’s simply Not Suitable for Work. Of course it’s terrible that Laura in Accounts has just lost her husband – but it’s not our business. Actually, it is.


Our event series, Not Suitable for Work, will shine a light on what has been dismissed, buried and shamed in the workplace.

Missed the last event?

Explore the conversations that push boundaries. Listen to the Not Suitable for Work podcast, now on Spotify.

We can help facilitate culture change

Whether we want to admit it or not, we bring our full selves to work, each and every day. The good, the bad, the seemingly inappropriate. We know it’s hard to have those conversations – and sometimes it feels easier to say nothing than to say the wrong thing. But the more we ignore or dismiss it, the more we implicitly say that it’s not OK to show vulnerability, weakness or distress here. It’s not OK to be human here.


The result is a broken workforce. A broken system. And, as crude as it may sound, a broken bottom line. We’re not doing our people – or our business – any favours by failing to address some of our most human and universal challenges.

Humanising the conversation

From addiction, stress, eating disorders, suicide, and parenting, to menopause, grief, living with a diagnosis and many more, we’ll offer therapeutic perspectives on addressing these challenging – yet entirely human – experiences in the workplace.


Through our even series ‘Not Suitable For Work’ we’ll share practical tools for leaders and managers, as well as therapeutic support for those facing these issues first-hand.


We won’t be holding back – but we will be holding your hand. We’ve got you.

Not Suitable for Work: The Mental Health Crisis in Creative Industries

Thursday, 6th March 2025 | 12 - 1pm

For too long, mental health in creative industries has been dismissed as ‘part of the job’, a price we pay for working in spaces that demand everything from us. But perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and the fear of ‘losing it’ shouldn’t be the cost of doing what we love.


Join us for a live conversation on why mental health in this field is more urgent than ever and how we can begin to shift towards healthier, sustainable creative environments.


This event will be hosted in your new home for digital mental maintenance on our TOGETHER by Self Space platform. 

We've only bloody gone and launched on Spotify

Wanna listen to a playback? Go on, you know you want to.